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The MYSUN Solar Calculator is an online advanced tool developed by the solar experts at MYSUN to help you quickly determine the potential savings that you can make when you go solar. The solar calculator is one of its kind when it comes to pre-estimating the solar system sizing, solar savings potential, solar investment, return on investment and solar financing options of Indian power consumers from across residential, commercial and industrial categories. Along with furnishing results based on a set of pre-set robust algorithms, the advanced MYSUN Solar Calculator also gives one the convenience to see more precise estimations through it’s feature of customize input fields.
Using this online solar calculator is extremely simple. All you need to do is input three basic details - your location, your monthly electricity bill and your electricity consumer category. And the solar calculator will provide you with an unbiased snapshot of your solar potential. After the snapshot is displayed, you can further indicate your electricity consumption pattern, your sanctioned load, your monthly electricity consumption or the diesel backup power that you must be using, to see the most close to true picture of what your savings would be like when you do go with a solar rooftop PV plant. The snapshot or as we at MYSUN like to call it, your personalised solar scorecard, is generated from the calculator in the form of a neat PDF report, that can also be shared with your friends and family.
If you have a flat roof or a tilted roof, the MYSUN Solar Calculator will allow you to size your solar system and accurately see the annual solar power generation for any type of roof. You can also change the direction of the panels with regards to the Sun and see the impact of your solar panel direction on the energy generation.This is how, the MYSUN Solar Calculator gives a very accurate picture of your solarization potential. Moreover, it will also tell you what kind of appliances you can run with solar for how many hours in a day. You can also adjust your day time energy consumption to fine tune the most suitable solar PV system design for you.
If you are confused between owning the solar system or purchasing solar power, what is commonly referred to as the CAPEX and RESCO (OPEX) models, the Advanced Solar Calculator can be of great help here. Under the Financing Options that are listed in the output of the solar calcutor, you can compare your savings as well as the returns when you go with either of the two models and pick and choose between them. The Solar Calculator allows you to also get a snapshot of your savings and returns if you opt in for Net Metering.
The solar calculator is a work of more than 2000 man hours over a year put in by the engineering team at MYSUN. At the back end, the online calculator has mapped every possible location in India with consumer category-wise as well as slab-wise energy tariffs and electricity consumption patterns along with the solar generation potential at every Indian location. The Calculator is backed by sophisticated and robust algorithms in order to generate the most accurate and precise results for you. Since we have ensured that every pin code in India is covered, no matter where you live, using the online Solar Calculator will take you one step closer to going solar and harnessing the virtually unlimited power of the Sun. With regular updates, the MYSUN Solar calculator is the most latest solar calculation tool available in the market at all times.
MySunCalculator relies on our advanced algorithms related to your locational co-ordinates, historical solar irradiation, electricity tariffs across-India and certain
generic assumptions with regards to your electricity consumption pattern, availability of area for solar installation, nearby shading, solar irradiation, availing of a
bank loan to buy solar system, etc. You can edit and modify a lot of these assumptions for more accurate results. Read our full Disclaimer.
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