Chandigarh has over 2900 small, large and medium scale units and is increasingly becoming a lucrative destination of many business leaders. One factor leading the city towards such transformation is the city’s inclination towards more economical sources of energy i.e the renewable sources of energy. Almost 67% of all the power requirements of Chandigarh is met via these sources, and this share is going to increase further as the city has recently decided to increase its Solar energy generation target to 100 MW, achievable by 2022.
As per media reports, the target was self-revised by the state from the earlier target of 50MW, after the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) enhanced the city’s solar target from 50 MW to 69 MW.
This new development is a signal towards the great opportunity that solar energy holds in store for businesses in the city. While we have already explained previously how corporates and SMEs can save Millions by going Solar in Chandigarh and how the MYSUN Solar Calculator is helping businesses in Chandigarh determine their solar savings potential let’s see what does this new development exactly mean for businesses in the city.
What does this mean for Businesses, Industries and Corporations based out of Chandigarh?
The increase in the solar target of the city is an indication of the solar potential of the city and a move towards sustainability.
Chandigarh is a commercial hub which has housed businesses, industries and corporations of every size. Power, as it is across every city and state in the country, forms an indispensable resource for businesses in the city. This makes businesses, whether small or large, incur lakhs on power bills every year, which businesses in Chandigarh can avoid easily by going solar. Just like this label printing company situated in the city of Gurgaon, which is looking at saving 7~15 crore rupees in 25 years time because of its decision to go solar.
Check your Solar Savings Potential in Chandigarh today
One of the first steps of going solar is to check your solar savings potential. And MYSUN, the largest online rooftop solar platform in India, makes the identification of it easy with its advanced Solar Calculator. The AI-backed technology-driven calculator allows you to check your savings from solar, the optimum solar system size, the required investment, the return on investment and available financing options in a matter of seconds. To give the most precise results, the calculator is mapped to the solar irradiation and tariff of every city and state in India, including Chandigarh.
For example, as per the solar calculator, the Solar Savings Potential of a commercial set up in IT Park Road, Phase - I, Manimajra, Chandigarh with an average monthly electricity bill of 2 lakh rupees is immense as it will bring the bill down to only INR 79, 724 every month. This gives a lifetime savings of INR 4.2Cr, which is very significant on an investment of just INR 35.7 Lakhs.
Grab the opportunity and Go solar with MYSUN’s Easy Solar Financing Solutions today
With this increased target, going solar will be the need of the hour for Chandigarh. With MYSUN’s various solar financing solutions businesses have the flexibility to go solar with easy payment plans. Businesses can either choose to pay for the solar system upfront, in easy EMI’s or even as per unit consumption of their solar energy as applicable under the Power Purchase Agreement.
Businesses all around the world have started making solar energy as their primary source of power. And Chandigarh, a centre of numerous small and large scale businesses, is following the footsteps. The city which is on the mission of becoming a smart city in India will for sure become solar-driven one day and businesses will flourish because of it. Therefore, start the solar journey of your business in Chandigarh today & reap the benefits of being an early adopter i.e higher financial benefits. Call MYSUN Solar Advisors on +91 8448380218 or write to them at [email protected].